In Utero Symbols


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**Alchemical Rose - symbol of sacred womb - symbol of virgin daughter within mother - applied to images like **Kore/Demeter and Mary/Eve.
**Baubo - [I think you could easily read this as Baubo representing Courtney and Demeter representing Kurt] - female clown who managed to draw laughter from Demeter in the midst of her grief. Baubo induced the Great Mother to forget her anger long enough to take a little nourishment.
**Diameter - symbol for water, salt, and sea - related to the primordial Mother Goddess, who mingled all elements to create life from flesh (earth), blood (water), breath (air), and fire (vital heat)
**sea: Temu, Egyptian name for maternal deep, or uterine abyss, where universe was born from, associated with the moon, love, birth, beauty, sexual fire mingling with waters
**Symbol for planet Pluto - female Pluto deity who was despised and discredited by Greeks + was combined w. Demeter in a triple form (Virgin, Mother, and Crone)
**Poppy - "since opium and its derivatives--morphine, heroin--are extracted from the opium poppy, it is hardly surprising to find the flower associated w. sleep, inertia, numbness, and death. Demeter as a death Goddess was often shown with poppies [like the Heart-Shaped Box video]....Thebaine yields an important narcotic antagonist, naloxone, which is given to infants born of heroin addicts, to help soften the sock of withdrawl that such infants must go through"

**Sub Pop logo
**Geffen logo
**moon: There are so many connections and meanings connected to a moon symbol it'd be hard to summarize anyway.
**Bee - greatly prized because they gave valuable honey - Demeter addressed as "the pure mother bee" - identified w. mortality in folklore - "bee was symbol of feminine potency of nature"
**Infinity sign - [another interesting one] - sexual union and sense of perfection - two becoming one (two uniting circles, one representing man and the other woman)

**cowrie - this is the only one I'm not 100% sure on what it is. I thought it was a lemon or something, but no picture of a lemon was in the book. So the closest I could find was a cowrie shell, which is said to resemble female genitalia, revered in India to avert evil eye, rebirth symbol, also for healing, fertility, magic power, good luck.
**Sulfer - sacred to Athene - associated w. purification - also symbolized angry aspect of Athene (Goddess Brimo), which was also identified w. Demeter.
**Labrys (axe) - stood for Amazons and their Goddess (Demeter / Artemis / etc.) - has been adopted by lesbians as their amuletic symbol.
**Corn dolly - embodiment of the harvest - one of its many alternate names was the Demeter.
**Symbol for Ceres, Roman title of Great Goddess as Mother of the Harvest and ruler of all grains - indicated planting of male seed in earth's womb.
**Sistrum - used to worship Egyptian Great Goddess - sacred rattle - its sound dispelled evil spirits.